Monday, August 30, 2010

A Special Message from Chuck Colson

Go to Manhattan Declaration website to learn more about the declaration and to place your signature

Age-Appropriate Chores

If you have kids in the house you know that the work can get piled up. Laundry, toys, dishes - it seems the list goes on and on. I remember as a child how important it was that I pitched in. There were a number jobs that I was responsible for. You may be wanting to give the kids in your household some chores but don't know which is the right one or the appropriate one for the age of your child. Focus on the Family has a good article that will give you some advice on assigning work for your kids.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Beloit College Mindset List

Do you wonder what this year's freshman class thinks? The class of 2014 might surprise you - take a look

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

John Hull - Leadership Live

John Hull, president of Equip, and the gang from Cross International (Jake Eason and Chuck Burge) talked about the importance of sound leadership in relief work. To listen click here or scroll down.

By Faith - Keith and Kristyn Getty

One of my favorite couples!! Keith and Kristyn Getty from Ireland. You are going to love this video!

By Faith from Keith and Kristyn Getty on Vimeo.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Free Music Download

Ginger Millermon is offering her latest single , "Who He Says He Is" for FREE!! You have until midnight on Tuesday, August 31 to get your copy so don't wait. Click the picture at the right for your mp3 copy today!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Saving Orphans in Mozambique

This week at WRAF we are teaming with Cross International to save orphans in Mozambique. This country, once a vibrant land, is now plagued with the AIDS virus and many children are left without a mother or father. They live wherever they can and eat whatever they find. A truly tragic situation.

Cross International works with agencies, missions and churches already established in Mozambique to rescue these precious little ones by placing them in a caring Christian home. For a one time gift of $68 these children will receive food, clothing, medical assistance, school supplies and a home, plus much more.

I urge you to listen to the interview I had with Chuck Burge of Cross International to get a better idea of what Cross does on the ground to serve the poorest of the poor. Then listen to our Days of Rescue and Hope, August 18 and 19 on WRAF for your opportunity to give a one time gift of $68.

You can rescue an orphan right now by calling our special rescue line 888-979-2009 or visiting WRAF's web site. It only takes a one time gift of $68 to give a child in Mozambique a new chance at life.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Youth Pastor Sells "Star Wars" Items for Charity

Mark Hall, lead singer of Casting Crowns, is known for his talent as a songwriter and his passion for teen and family ministry. But the acclaimed frontman of the 41st Annual GMA Dove Awards "Artist of the Year" recently revealed an interest few may know about: Star Wars. The self-professed Star Wars fanatic is using his interest to help children and families around the world, as he places several objects from his extensive, personal Star Wars memorabilia collection up for sale at this week's Star Wars Celebration V convention in Orlando, Fla.

All proceeds will go to World Vision, the child advocacy organization Casting Crowns has partnered with since 2003. "I've been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid, and my son and I have been collecting memorabilia for several years," says Hall. "Now I'm teaching our son that God doesn't bless us so we can merely have; He blesses us so we can give." Hall, and Crowns' guitar player Juan DeVevo, will make a special appearance at Star Wars Celebration V today to experience the convention and drive buyers to Hall's unique Star Wars items. The items showcased include the one-of-a-kind, custom-designed "Han Solo" desk, an "Emperor" chair and several Star Wars themed paintings.
Story courtesy of Religion Today

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sing to the Lord!

From the project David: Ordinary Man, Extraordinary God features the talents of Steve Camp, Bob Carlisle, Greg Long, Russ Lee, Clay Crosse and Scott Krippayne