Monday, November 1, 2010

Interviews Finally Up!

Last week we had interviews everyday! It was a great week on the Morning Show and WRAF! I've finally gotten all the interviews ready for download.

Mark Young - writer and director for the new movie The Least Among You. I highly recommend this movie! To listen to the interview with Mark click here.

Tosca Lee - former Mrs. Nebraska and author of two books, Havah, The Story of Eve and Demon: A Memoir. She also has a book coming out that will deal with Judas Iscariot, and a new series with one of my favorite authors, Ted Dekker. To listen to my conversation with Tosca click here.

Kevin Sorbo - you'll remember him from the television series, Hercules, the Legendary Journeys. He is the lead of a brand new movie that has a It's a Wonderful Life feel to it, What If. It also stars Kristy Swanson, Debby RyanJohn Ratzenberger. This is another movie that I highly recommend. If it's not playing in a theater near you please request that it be shown!! You can hear my interview with Kevin here.

I hope you enjoy the interviews and don't forget to check out the websites!

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